Loose-y Part I: This Shit Is Gold (garage version) (2014)
Installation with two channel projected video (15mins), objects and drawings:
‘A Life Performance of Mediated Self-Becoming’ (series of four unique monotypes)
‘Capital: Abject’ (series of four unique monotypes)
‘Screenplay’ (plywood, vinyl lettering)
‘The Tomb of the Aphalacephale’ (plywood, gold foil)
One video channel is a series of vignettes in which we come to know Loose-y, a cavemanwoman who sets up in a garage-crawlspace in order to try and be a writer: “proto-wo/man, depressed titan, laser-disco vision quest, oscar hopeful”. Loose-y presents examples of his/her own writing (which are all plagiarized), and some thoughts on the craft. The other channel shows a big heap of crud from which animated golden dancing girls pop out and are then re-consumed.
The live action parts of the projects (the Loose-y segments) were filmed in a part of the space in which the project was presented, which was a party underground garage. The screens and installation materials were constructed from stuff found around the garage, and the space was only minimally cleaned up.
Lucy was the name given to the partial skeleton of a female of the hominin species Australopithecus afarensis. For a time she was the oldest known human ancestor
‘Loose-y’ played by Lucien Jamey (Loose-y)
‘The Commander Princess of the Great Plasticity of Life’ played by Martineke Bloot (voice)